An important element of muscle testing is your polarity.
Energy field muscle testing.
A discussion of polarity and its effect on muscle testing is beyond the scope of this article but you can and should check your polarity by self testing once you learn it.
Mft is an advanced form of muscle testing in which we use your body s energy field instead of the organs and glands.
Learn how to energy test yourself in this video i show you two simple ways to energy test yourself.
As a biofeedback mechanism muscle testing can be used to identify the existence of stressors in and around our bodies.
What is muscle testing aka applied kinesiology.
Measuring the body s energy field turns out to be the best way to determine how the patient is doing and how to move them in the direction of healing faster and more effectively.
I discuss where to find pendants for energy testing in the video.
If the client gives muscle testing signals that are different than what you expect as described above go to the muscle testing trouble shooting guide and heal the client s body and energy field to correct the muscle testing.
Using the energy field is truly the next paradigm shift in applied kinesiology.
Facilitators do not surrogate muscle test yourself for the client and give the client answers from your body.
Muscle testing is based on principles of biomagnetic energy.
Energy healer and teacher donna eden calls it biofeedback without the gadgets.
Muscle testing is a holistic technique derived from the field of kinesiology in which muscles are monitored for a response to stimuli.
If it s not correct indicating that your energy is blocked the results will be inaccurate.
Muscle testing can help you do that.
You can use these energy testing methods to learn the idea foods and supplements for your body and to guide other choices around your wellbeing.
This is the best pendant option i found on amazon although.
Muscle testing also called energy testing or applied kinesiology is a way to get direct information from our bodies and energy systems.
While our conscious mind is mostly oblivious to these energies we believe our subconscious minds profoundly affected by them.
After two seminars i now exclusively use the morphogenic field technique for testing.
The body has within it and surrounding it an electrical network or grid which is pure energy.