Eicr electrical installation condition reports are now a key part of electrical safety landlords have the responsibility to ensure that a tenanted property has an electrical installation that is safe to use by its tenants.
Electrical installation condition report eicr gov.
Landlords of hmos must already obtain eicrs to comply with hmo management regulations and other landlords will have had such inspections performed simply as good practice or to comply with licence conditions.
If a rented house has a valid eicr when the new regulations come into force on 1st april 2020 you will not need to carry out a new one until the report expires.
Landlords must obtain a report usually an electrical installation condition report or eicr from the person conducting the inspection and test which explains its outcomes and any investigative or.
Properties that already have a valid electrical installation condition report eicr will not need to replace it until five years have passed since it was issued.
Any new tenancy created after 1st july 2020 must have a valid electrical installation condition report eicr from an electrical safety inspection.
The assessment is based on the quality of your electrical installation the electrics and cables will deteriorate over time.
Hmo and selective licensing these regulations add the following mandatory conditions to selective and hmo licences.
Electrical installation condition reports eicr are provided as an official document given after an assessment by a qualified engineer or electrician.
Electrical installation condition report.
An eicr or electrical inspection condition report is an in depth inspection of your property s electrical systems and installation.
There will a legal onus on all landlords to have a electrical installation condition.
What is an eicr report.
In january this year the government revealed plans for introducing new legislation which would see mandatory electrical safety checks for landlords.
Agents must ensure that any inspectors hired to issue an eicr hold the correct qualifications and are competent to carry out the inspection.
The inspection is to assess and identify any condition deterioration or defect which has the potential to result in danger.
As of 1st april 2021 all tenancies new and existing will require a valid eicr from an electrical safety inspection.
This is the most common type of report you ll be given by your landlord after an inspection.