Verify a contractor tradesperson or business.
Electrical contractor license lookup california.
Use the number search 999999 or 9999 to find limited information.
Prevailing wage debarred contractor list.
A california contractor license number doesn t contain alphabetic characters.
The letter designation for each license type is listed below.
Prevailing wage intents and affidavits.
Tips for home owners when hiring a contractor protectmyhome.
When the results of your search are returned click on the license number link or the more details button for.
Civil engineers with a license number of c 33965 and lower may practice land surveying without being licensed as a land surveyor.
Welcome to the contractors state license board.
Cslb was established in 1929 and today licenses about 290 000 contractors in 44 different classifications.
Track a contractor search.
C 10 electrical contractor.
You may enter a search by using the electrician certification card number the electrician certification application tracking number or the electrician trainee.
The contractors state license board cslb protects california consumers by licensing and regulating the state s construction industry.
You ll get a randomly generated list of all eligible contractors in that license classification whose cslb license of record is in the area you entered.
Begin entry of your license number at the left position and don t exceed 8 digits in the license number.
Electricians is defined as all persons who engage in the connection of electrical devices for electrical contractors licensed pursuant to section 7058 of the business and profession code specifically contractors classified as electrical contractors in the contractors state license board rules and regulations labor code 108 c.
California code of regulations title 16 division 8 article 3.
To get a list of licensed contractors in any area of california simply enter either a city or zip code and pick the license classification you want.
Cslb public counters and test centers except berkeley remain open.
James mchenry drivers license number g5551234 might be entered as mche1234 or mc h1234.
Due to excessive heat wildfires and unhealthy air around the state you are encouraged to utilize our online services email contacts and automated phone line at 800 321 cslb 2752 whenever possible.